College of Teacher Education Kanjirapally (CTE)

College of Teacher Education Kanjirapally (CTE)

College of Teacher Education Kanjirapally (CTE)

College of Teacher Education Kanjirapally (CTE)


There are 20 practice teaching schools including Malayalam and English medium divisions in order to get first hand experience in teaching scheduled as Induction programme (II semester) and Practice Teaching (III semester). In addition to practice in basic subjects the pupil acquires skill in Yoga,Physical Education,Art Education and SUPW. Science laboratory is equipped with various apparatus for conducting experiments in Physics /Chemistry/ Biology that are appropriate for high school classes


The land area of the institution consists of 2640 sq.mts and the build up area of 1500 as per Kerala Government Order on lease.In addition to this play ground around 200sq.mts used for Physical Education on sharing basis with Petta Government High School.The institution posses Land use certificate,building completion certificate,non encumbrance certificate etc. from competent authority.All faculty members of this institution is well qualified and experienced as per norms of UGC and NCTE

About Us

College of Teacher Education Kanjirappally as one of the pioneer institutions in the field of teacher education started in 1993 by Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam to cater the professional educational needs of this region which was considered as the gate way of highrange, a town in Kottayam district situated about 38 km (24 mi) away from the district capital.

The college is recognised by NCTE and affiliated to Mahatma Gandhi University. The institution aims to moulding students the ‘lighting lamps’- To Produce ‘Social Engineers’ who are Intellectually Alert, Professionally Competent, Morally Upright, Emotionally Integrated, Spiritually Enlightened, Physically Sound, Socially Conscious and Committed.

This institution is owned by ‘The Centre for Professional and Advanced Studies’ (CPAS) established by the Government of Kerala with an aim to provide specialty based quality education to meet the ever increasing demand of trained personnel in various fields. The society is headed by the Honourable Minister for Education, Kerala state.

The institution offers five optional subjects (English, Mathematics, Natural Science, Physical Science and Social Science) for two year B.Ed with intake of 50 seats as per the rules and regulations strictly followed by NCTE, Mahatma Gandhi University and Government of Kerala.








Years of Experience

Vision and Mission

Our mission is to mould teachers with right attitudes, values, ideals and commitment towards profession, society and nation.Our mission is to excel in the field of teacher education by providing quality teacher education to all sections of the society and thus to produce globally competent teachers.

To prepare prospective teachers needed for knowledge society and to strengthen learning environment with quality learning tools, technologies and resources. Also to explore the local resources and remain as a model institution in the area and to develop subject competency and teaching skills in specific subjects.


Sri Harikrishnan P


Centre for Professional and Advanced Studies
Gandhinagar, Kottayam

Dr. Rajeena.A


College of Teacher Education Kanjirapally (CTE)



The BEd course at MG University focuses on training future educators in teaching effectively with modern pedagogical methods.

BEd English, BEd Mathematics, BEd Natural Science, BEd Physical Science, BEd Social Science,

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Recognition Order

Official College Recognition order for NCTE

Mandatory Disclosure

Essential Information Disclosure Year 2023

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Audit Report

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Names of Complete list of enrolled students


Detailed course plan with objectives and topics
